Why I Chose This Topic The reason I chose Wombats is because I like them and they are fat, but there are some more reasons. Their poo is cubed so scientists were interested in why they did that so they started looking into it. Come to find out that their intestines contain two grooves where their guts are more elastic. Later they found out that this process could potentially help people detect colon cancer way earlier in life.
Science Concept I have learned 1 or 2 things about wombats the past month or so. I'll start after a couple short facts. They have a backward facing pouch, slow metabolism, and wombats are the second largest marsupials in Australia. Wombats' teeth continue to grow throughout their lives. If they get too long, they snap and break off to right themselves. They usually have 1 baby which is called a joey, like a kangaroo.
Application Animals such as wombats, which dig holes to live in, are credited with breaking up hard soil and recycling organic material, such as fallen leaves, through the earth. Wombats effectively plough furrows in the ground for seeds to fall into. Increasing the chance that the seeds will become healthy plants. They also are credited for reducing fire risks by taking litter and debris underground with them.
Career Path The career I chose because there isn't a specific career for wombats is a zoologist. They develop and conduct experimental studies with animals in controlled or natural surroundings. They study the characteristics of animals, such as their interaction with other species, reproduction, population, dynamics, diseases, and movement patterns. Estimate, monitor, and manage wildlife populations.