Why I Chose This Topic I chose this topic because I’ve always liked monkeys and my favorite animal is a mustache monkey. I’ve always wanted to learn more about them and now I can.
Science Concept
The main use of monkeys is for testing when other animals won't work for the test. They are mainly used in the studies of diseases of the brain, and in experiments for the development of vaccines or treatments of severe infectious diseases.
The benefits that we get from testing on Primates is important for understanding threats to human health that range from Alzheimer's disease to cancer and diabetes, addiction, Parkinson's disease, and more.
Career Path
The people that study monkeys are called primatologists. They are scientists who study primates, such as gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, and lemurs. They work in a variety of roles within the field, including biology, medical research, anthropology, and zoology.