Why I Chose This Topic I chose Lily pads because my name is LiLi.I also chose this subject because I have a appsession with them. I chose Lily pads because they're more interesting than you think.Lily pads are more than just things frogs jump on. Lily pads are very underrated.
Science Concept Lily pads can hold young children. Lily pads are not just things frogs jump on their shelter and food. They are located in ponds, lakes ,and slow moving streams. They float because they are made of lightweight tissue. There scientific name is Nymphaeaceae.
Application They provide food and shelter for aquatic and non-aquatic wildlife.Lily pads provide important food sources for beavers,certain species of beetles,and pollinators as well as providing shelter for fish.When hot outside they provide shade for the critters.They reduce light levels in waters witch will otherwise encourage algae growth.It helps koi,goldfish,and grass carp survive by being food.
Career Path A botanist that studies Lily Pads.They discover different species of lily pads.They study lily pads and make atticals so we can know more about them.They find a lot of cool stuff out about them.