The reason I chose the topic “lightning” is because I find it very calming when it rains, I also enjoy looking at it, and I find it very fun to see the light off of the lightning shine in the house. Lightning is very interesting, it’s crazy how light from the sky can burn the ground, and can also come out of the clouds. Not everyone enjoys the sound of lightning, but I find it very interesting and enjoyable. When I was little me and my grandma used to count how long it would take for the sound to follow the light, it usually would take 10-12 seconds. I also enjoy the story of Zeus, the Greek god, and how he would throw lighting at the enemy during wars.
Science Concept
In the early stages of development, air acts as an insulator between the positive and negative charges in the cloud and between the cloud and the ground. When the opposite charges build up enough, this insulating capacity of the air breaks down and there is a rapid discharge of electricity that we know as lightning. Lightning is attracted to electricity, so make sure you turn on and unplug your electronics.
The information could alert forecasters about developing severe conditions. It has also shown that near the updrafts of thunderstorms flashes tend to be smaller, which can be useful for forecasters in quickly pinpointing portions of storm complexes that need to be monitored. In addition, lightning injures many more people than it kills and leaves some victims with life-long health problems. Understanding the dangers of lightning is important so that you can get to a safe place when thunderstorms threaten.
Career Path A career in the field of “Lightning” and storms in general is “Storm Chasers”. Storm chasing involves pursuing severe weather events, many storm chasers are weather scientists called meteorologists. Storm chasers conduct meteorological research on the field, to report tornados, storms, hurricanes, and other high-impact weather conditions to weather bureaus. They usually choose main roads or parking-lots to watch the storms, they set up cameras, and try to avoid core-punching, as if such acts could win a badge of courage. The point of being chased by a tornado is to observe storms up-close and record data that they can’t get any other way.