Equine dentistry is a very needed occupation in the horse world. It is needed for all 4 seasons. When horses teeth get too sharp or if they get an oral disease horse dentists are called in to fix it. They have to file horses' teeth down with an electronic device called a float. Equine dentists have to use other tools like a mouth gag to keep their mouth open when you float their teeth. When horses get their teeth done they have to be sedated to keep them still because if they move a lot when they're getting their teeth done the float tool could cut their mouth and make them bleed.
We study Equine dentistry because without it oral diseases couldn’t be fixed and that can cause horses to die. We also study equine dentistry so we can know how to fix oral problems in the future that we may not know of yet. If we stop studying equine dentistry and new problems arise how would we know how to stop them? This is a big big occupation in the horse world so we need to get more insight on how we can better help the horses in our world today.
A equine dentist has to study and look after the oral health of horses. Equine dentistry is a high paying job you make about 279,000 in annual wage and about 134 hourly wage. The different things an equine dentist does are floating your horses teeth,bit seat alignment,incisor realignment,wave and hook correction,and tooth extraction. There are also many oral diseases that horses have that require an equine dentist to fix it. There are many different tools you would need to be an equine dentist like a hitching mouth gag.
Dr Nicole du Toit is a world renowned equine oral pathologist. She graduated from Edinburgh university where she completed a 3 year course in equine dentistry. She runs her own veterinary reference practice. She also was involved with the Equine dental specialty organizing committee. Nicole also became a famous European specialist and diplomat of the EVDC. Nicole moved to England where she now works at an Equine dental clinic. She also does lectures and demonstrations on multiple courses world wide and has written and co-written over 50 journal pages about equine dentistry.